Solids Separators

BAUER Solids Separators set the standard for the removal of solids from farm effluent. Fully automated separation of effluent into liquid and solid factions dramatically improves how the effluent can be stored and handled.

Effluent from a feed pad or dairy shed first passes through a stone trap to remove stones and sand. The effluent then flows into a holding tank. Effluent in the holding tank is mixed to provide a uniform consistency and is then pumped up to the solids separator. Excess effluent is by-passed back into the holding tank.

The separator removes the solids from the effluent by means of a stainless steel screw press and screen with a screen size as small as 0.25mm. The moist solids fall into a storage bunker awaiting dispersal. The liquid faction flows to a storage tank or holding pond.

The liquid in the storage tank or pond can now be pumped out and distributed by almost any type of spray irrigation system. Due to the small size of any solids that may still remain in the liquid effluent it can be distributed by irrigation systems with small nozzle sizes such as centre pivots and K line irrigation systems.

BAUER separators stand for reliability as well as a high percentage of dry matter content.

Many years of experience, perfected technical design and the use of high quality materials guarantee very long service life and make BAUER the world leader in separator technology.

Click on the links below to download a free brochure
Bauer Separator Brochure
Bauer Magnum CSP Brochure